
8:00am - St Augustine of England Church, Kenilworth
8:00am - St Augustine of England Church, Kenilworth
8:30am - St Anne Church, Leamington Spa
8:30am - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
9:00am - St Stanislaus Kosta Church, Coventry
9:00am - St Thomas More Church, Coventry
9:00am - Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Coventry
9:00am - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
9:00am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
9:30am - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
9:30am - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
9:30am - Our Lady Church, Lillington
9:30am - All Souls Church, Coventry
9:30am - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
10:00am - St Anne Church, Coventry
10:30am - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
10:30am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
10:30am - St John Vianney Church, Mount Nod
11:00am - Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Coventry
11:00am - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
11:00am - St Stanislaus Kosta Church, Coventry
11:15am - All Souls Church, Coventry
11:15am - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
11:30am - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
11:30am - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
11:30am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
12:15pm - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
12:30pm - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
5:00pm - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
5:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
6:00pm - St Thomas More Church, Coventry
9:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
10:00am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
12:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
12:00pm - Our Lady Church, Lillington
12:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
6:30pm - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
9:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
12:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
7:30pm1 week of the month only">6 - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
9:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
12:00pm - Our Lady Church, Lillington
12:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
6:00pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
7:30pm1 - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
9:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
10:00am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
10:30am - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
12:30pmv - Our Lady Church, Lillington
5:00pmv - St Stanislaus Kosta Church, Coventry
5:00pmv - Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Coventry
5:00pm - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
5:00pmv - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
5:30pmv - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
5:30pmv - All Souls Church, Coventry
6:00pmv - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
6:00pmv - St John Vianney Church, Mount Nod
6:00pmv - St Anne Church, Coventry
6:30pmv - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
6:30pmv - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
7Holy Days:
9:00am - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
9:00am - Our Lady Church, Lillington
9:15am - St Thomas More Church, Coventry
9:30am - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
9:30am - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
9:30am - All Souls Church, Coventry
9:30am - St Anne Church, Coventry
9:30am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
9:30am - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
10:00am - Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Coventry
10:00am - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
10:15am - St Stanislaus Kosta Church, Coventry
10:30am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
12:10pm - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
12:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
6:00pm - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
6:30pm - St Anne Church, Coventry
7:00pm - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
7:00pm - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
7:00pm - St Anne Church, Leamington Spa
7:00pm - Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Coventry
7:00pm - All Souls Church, Coventry
7:00pm - St Stanislaus Kosta Church, Coventry
7:30pm - Our Lady Church, Lillington
7:30pm - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
7:30pm - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
7:30pm - St Thomas More Church, Coventry
7:30pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
8Holy Day Vigils:
6Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Sat: 9:15am-9:45am - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
Sat: 9:30am-10:30am - St Thomas More Church, Coventry
Sat: 9:30am-10:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
Sat: 10:30am-11:15am - All Souls Church, Coventry
Sat: 10:30am-11:00am - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
Sat: 10:30am-11:00am - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
Sat: 10:30am-11:00am - St Joseph the Worker Church, Coventry
Sat: 11:00am-12:00pm - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
Sat: 11:30am-12:00pm - St Anne Church, Coventry
Sat: 11:45am-12:15pm - Our Lady Church, Lillington
Sat: 12:00pm-1:00pm - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
Sun: 3:00pm-4:00pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
Sat: 4:15pm-4:45pm - St Peter Church, Leamington Spa
Sat: 4:30pm-5:00pm - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
Sat: 4:45pm-5:15pm - All Souls Church, Coventry
Sat: 5:45pm-6:15pm - St Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth
Sat: 6:00pm-6:30pm - Corpus Christi Church, Coventry
Sat: 6:15pm-6:45pm - The Most Holy Sacrament and St Osburg Church, Coventry
Fri: 6:15pm-6:45pm - All Souls Church, Coventry
Sat: 6:45pm-7:15pm - St John Vianney Church, Mount Nod
5Eucharistic Adoration:
Sat: 8:15am-8:45am - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry
Sat: 11:00am-12:00pm - SS Mary and Benedict Church, Coventry
Wed: 5:45pm-6:15pm - Sacred Heart Church, Coventry